Risk prediction of nonsentinel node metastases after ITC or micrometastasis in sentinel node Risk prediction of nonsentinel node metastases after ITC or micrometastasis in sentinel node Histological Size of the Primary Tumor Insert here the largest histological size of the primary invasive breast cancer in millimeters. Histological Size of the Primary Tumor mm Multifocal Primary Tumor Choose between "yes" or "no" to indicate whether the primary tumor is multifocal or not. Multifocal Primary Tumor No Yes Probability of Additional Axillary Metastases The result indicates the risk prediction of having additional tumor-positive axillary lymph nodes after ITC or micrometastasis in the sentinel node. Probability of Additional Axillary Metastases Original article (Avautuu uuteen ikkunaan. Linkki vie toiselle verkkosivulle.) Tulosta tämä sivu