Mood Disorders
In the Mood Disorders division, we treat patients with various mood disorders.
Maisa (opens in new window, links to another website)
Meillä voit asioida sähköisesti kirjautumalla Maisa-potilasportaaliin. Kun hoitosuhteesi alkaa, saat tarkemmat tiedot siitä, mitkä Maisan palvelut, esim. ajanvaraukset tai ennakkokyselyt, ovat käytössäsi.
We treat patients with various mood disorders whose treatment requires special expertise. Mood disorders include depression and bipolar affective disorder.
Information on mental health, psychiatric disorders and treatment locations can be found at the Mental Health Hub (Mielenterveystalo) (only in Finnish).
Mental Health Hub (opens in new window, links to another website)
For more information on mood disorders, visit the Mental Health Hub. Health Village ( Terveyskylä ) is an online service for specialist medical care (currently only in Finnish).
Mood Disorder Ward P2, Jorvi Hospital
Jorvi Hospital’s Ward P2 is a closed ward for patients with mood disorders.
Neuromodulation Unit, Jorvi Hospital
At the Neuromodulation Unit in Jorvi Hospital, we provide neuromodulation treatments.
Neuromodulation Unit, Psychiatry Center
At the Neuromodulation Unit, we provide neuromodulation treatments.