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  • physiatry
  • rehabilitation

In physiatry, we treat various musculoskeletal problems, especially back, neck, shoulder, and limb symptoms, as well as joint and soft tissue symptoms.

Sisätaudit ja kuntoutus fysiatria

Our main objective is the prevention, treatment, and rehabilitation of incapacities created as a result of illnesses and injuries.

We plan and implement rehabilitation and evaluate rehabilitation results together with physiotherapists, occupational therapists, social workers, and assistive equipment specialists. We form an overall picture of the patient's situation and devise a rehabilitation plan where the various treatment forms are combined, if necessary. 

We offer consulting services to almost all the specialist fields, especially in cooperation with occupational health care, neurology, and orthopedics.

We examine, treat and rehabilitate patients in the physiatry outpatient clinics at Vega House and the Peijas and Jorvi hospitals. We also have physiatry outpatient units in the hospitals in Hyvinkää and Lohja.


Physiatry Outpatient Clinic, Jorvi hospital

In the Physiatry Outpatient Clinic at Jorvi Hospital, we primarily treat musculoskeletal disorders that do not require surgical treatment.

Physiatry Outpatient Clinic, Nordenskiöldinkatu

In the Physiatry Outpatient Clinic at Vega House, we primarily treat musculoskeletal disorders that do not require surgical treatment.

Physiatry Outpatient Clinic, Peijas hospital

In the Physiatry Outpatient Clinic at Peijas Hospital, we primarily treat musculoskeletal disorders that do not require surgical treatment.

Spinal Cord Injury Center, Nordenskiöldinkatu

In the Spinal Cord Injury Center at the Synapsia building, we treat patients with spinal cord injuries. The Spinal Cord Injury Center houses the Ward for…


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